When you know you’ve left it too long to write your blog!

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Do you know the feeling when you have been meaning to do something, but have left it so long that it’s really hard to actually do it?  Well this has been the case with my blog!  The last time I wrote something was in February.  I have 3 draft blogs waiting to be published, but needing to be finished off before posting – and never have!

People have told me how they enjoy reading my blog – so there’s the embarrassment that I have left it so long!  So I decided to openly admit to it – and hopefully the blog writing will start flowing again!!

My 2018 of magic has been amazing!  In May, I past my first 12 months of being a full-time magician, which was a momentous occasion.  As I am now more confident in performing magic, I am beginning to turn my focus onto marketing myself and by business.  So keep an eye out for upcoming blogs about this.

Sorry guys for never posting this photo on social media!

As I think back over the last few months, it’s impossible to capture all the fantastic moments I’ve had and awesome people I’ve met and connected with whilst performing magic. From weddings, parties, dinners and corporate events to charity occasions, beer festivals, bars, street food markets and even a baby shower! It’s impossible to pinpoint one particular day of magic as my favourite. I even was filmed by a French film crew putting together an artistic documentary called ‘Percepts’, questioning what is real and not real.  That’s the main photo for this blog with me, Olivier Zabat (filiming) on the left and Thomas Fourel (Sound Engineer) on the right. We were at the Currie Beer & Curry Festival.

So I just want to thank you all for supporting me and enjoying my magic and hope to be seeing you again soon.

And of course, if you are wanting to bring some magic to something you are organising please do get in touch! I’m starting to get bookings for Christmas Parties, so if you want to book me, get in touch soon, to avoid disappointment!

Thanks for now.
